Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 1: Clupeidae

     So here I sit - finally - me and my keyboard, with an unfocused mind that has literally thousands of writable thoughts in any given day if not hour. The outpouring is equivalent to a huge school of Clupeidae moving erratically through turbulent ocean waters, but at the same time, moving towards a synchronized and calculated outcome. What this mental image should conger up in the reader is the notion that a beginning point today will be a few frivolous words that serve to free the writer so that she may establish ground zero, with the intention of moving forward towards a synchronized theme. So at this point reader, visualize all those tiny little fish wiggling and swimming about, gliding and swaying with the currents of the day, but moving decidedly in search of a very calculated result. So too shall I flop and glide a little bit today, working the currents that inhabit my brain, to see if I can't establish a path to a desired outcome. Unfortunately for me, the little fish have a much easier directive, as their desired outcome is simply to fulfill their biological urge to eat. My quest is slightly more complex, as I am in search of relevance and applicability, not food particles. And so I ask you reader to grant me my free form day or two so that I may begin to  chart my own course in the huge ocean of bloggery.

1 comment:

  1. Go Forth with the tides, my friend. You have set sail!!!
